23+ Perfect Valentine’s Day Ideas For Pregnant Wife

valentine's day ideas for pregnant wife

Valentine’s Day ideas for pregnant wife are unique things. Being pregnant on just a few Valentine’s Days has taught me how important it is when your spouse goes above and beyond for you. A superb Valentine’s Day gift should be given to a pregnant woman because it takes a lot of energy to make a new human.

Finding the ideal Valentine’s Day present for expectant mothers is not tricky, but it does involve some consideration, just like any other gift. You’ll need to consider what they can utilise during this time and what they would adore as their body transforms; you can’t just get a bottle of expensive wine and some underwear.

Good Valentine’s Day Gift For Pregnant Wife

1. Pillows for Sleeping

While your wife is pregnant, she is constantly warm and nothing is ever cosy. With this delightfully cooling cushion made of bamboo and shredded memory foam, you can adjust that for your lover.

This pillow is our best ultimate winner for cooling pads because its gel-infused foam is cuddly and chilly. It’s a comfortable cushion that breathes and offers opulent support without making her neck perspire.

Pillows for Sleeping

2. Mama Cardigan

Your expectant spouse will fall head over heels for an extra-oversized cardigan, whether it’s for Valentine’s Day or any other occasion. This cosy, lightweight jacket from a well-known maternity brand is woven from cashmere, nylon, and wool fibres. It is definitely the final “maternity” or “nursing” garment that will likely ever be discontinued. After all, cardigans like this one are always in trend.

And don’t permit the dry-clean-only label to dissuade you since the cashmere helps it naturally drain away moisture and smells. So yes, it will probably be simpler to clean up than you think if the baby throws up on it.

mama cardigan

3. The Scuff Slippers

Not your typical slipper, this one. We all know how convenient and adorable it is to be able to machine wash your shoes. Although these slippers are the finest worn inside, they do feature a firm sole that allows them to be worn outside as well.

The receiver who is environmentally aware will be pleased to hear that four plastic bottles meant for the ocean were sacrificed to manufacture these shoes, and the fluffy sherpa inside will keep your toes nice and warm even in the absence of socks. Surely, it is the perfect valentines gift idea for a pregnant wife.

The Scuff sleeper

4. Massage Gun

A massage may help relax some of those hamstrings and make this uncomfortable phase of pregnancy a bit more tolerable. Pregnancy can be difficult, especially for the feet, legs, and back. This massager has a variety of settings and heads to provide the perfect amount of comfort.

Just be sure to ask her doctor if there are any limitations on where the massager can be used safely. Up until the baby is born, daily massages can be a part of the present.

Massage Gun

5. Belly Support Belt

As the fetus grows, the mother’s uterus becomes heavier, so the mother will tend to bend forward. Therefore, to keep balance, the mother has to lean back. This makes the back muscles work harder, leading to strained back muscles that cause back pain.

It can be said that the belly support belt is an extremely practical gift for a pregnant wife on Valentine’s Day because it has partly helped them reduce pressure on their backs.

Belly Support Belt

6. Ice Head Wrap

Do you know what makes pregnancy so miserable? headaches that cannot be treated with Motrin, aspirin, or Aleve. Even if some days seem to have no end in sight, this headache ice wrap might offer some comfort. It offers therapeutic cold and pressure that is really heavenly. It’s an unusual Valentine’s Day gift for a pregnant wife, but one that could be appreciated.

Ice Head Wrap

7. Mother Balm Bar

Your skin may easily get dry during the winter, but it becomes worse if you’re pregnant. The exceptionally dry winter may be painful because even on the wettest day, as your tummy expands, it can soon dry up and become itchy.

But, the Mother Mother Balm Bar may be applied to any dry area on the body, including the belly, to help ease some of that discomfort. Shea butter, watermelon seed butter, avocado, cocoa seed butter, beeswax, oil from sweet almonds, and other moisturizing components are used to make it.

Mother Balm Bar

8. Herbal Tea

In addition to promoting relaxation and pain relief, herbal tea will also safeguard the prospective mother’s health. It’s a great present idea if she likes herbal teas. There is a specific one for everything that ails women, including heartburn, stress, and the third trimester. It goes well with a quirky cup, such as one that reads, “There’s a possibility this is wine”.

Herbal Tea

9. Bouquet Of Flowers

You won’t regret spoiling your wife with a bouquet of flowers on Valentine’s Day, right? You may purchase a bouquet from the Internet if you’d rather save the effort, or you can visit your neighbourhood florist to have something put together.

You may choose any three-colour palette you’d like when ordering the bouquet, and custom floral arrangements are readily accessible in three distinct sizes, so you can be sure to obtain one that’s ideal for her. This little florist offers nationwide delivery, however, you should choose next-day shipment if you want the freshest flowers available.

Although it’s a good idea to give February 14 a lot of consideration each year, it’s important to go a step further and above when purchasing a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for a pregnant wife. Valentine’s Day is the ideal opportunity to express your gratitude in greater measure for your labour of love.

Bouquet Of Flowers

10. A Bath Bom

Nothing soothes a sore body like a hot bath, and a bath with a good bath bomb is much more relaxing (and entertaining). Think about giving her this bath bomb on Valentine’s Day to really play up the romance. It has a blend of clary sage, jasmine, and ylang-ylang oils that soothe, relaxes, and have a faint aphrodisiac effect.

There are many more fantastic bombs that may help her unwind, moisturize, or simply enjoy a show of colours and glitter as she soaks if she isn’t in the mood for that type of romance.

A Bath Bom

11. Skin Care Products

During pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months, the hormone changes constantly, which easily causes the mother’s skin to have problems such as hormonal acne, dark spots, and dark skin … . Therefore, giving her mother natural skin care cosmetics, belonging to a reputable brand, non-irritating and suitable for pregnancy will make him score high in her eyes.

skin care products

12. Maternity Dress

“Beauty for silk”, clothing is an important factor that enhances the inherent beauty of women. You can choose clothes that are roomy, help the mother move freely and do not pose a danger to the baby. To meet the above demand, the maternity dress is a bright candidate as a great Valentine’s Day gift for your pregnant wife.

Maternity Dress

13. A Romantic Evening

Most women love romance because it brings a feeling of happiness and security. Therefore, a sophisticated husband can consider giving her a romantic evening together, or both going to the movies, talking together…

A Romantic Evening

14. Photo Set Of Pregnant

Pregnant women, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, want to mark an important milestone in their life. Therefore, a set of photos of a pregnant wife or pregnant wife with her family is a unique gift for a pregnant mother, helping her to preserve both beautiful and difficult moments during pregnancy.

Photo Set Of Pregnant

15. A Good Book

According to experts, pregnant mothers who regularly read books during pregnancy will help their babies be smarter. Therefore, you can give your mother books related to the knowledge and skills needed for pregnancy.

Besides, from the 16th week of pregnancy, the fetus can hear sounds from outside. Therefore, mothers and fathers can also spend time together, reading books to the baby.

A Good Book

16. Smart Kitchen Tools

This is a very practical gift to give as a gift to a pregnant mother. Kitchen tools such as dishwashers, oil-free fryers, etc. will help pregnant women reduce some of the fatigue when doing housework. Please note these gifts to help your wife rest and relax more during pregnancy.

Smart Kitchen Tools

17. Hand Bag

Handbags are accessories that are worth buying as gifts for pregnant mothers. When going out, pregnant women often bring many necessary things, extremely miserly. Therefore, if there is a large bag to store things, the mother’s movement will be much more convenient.

Hand Bag

18. Harmony Ball Necklace

Harmony balls have historically been utilized in Mexico and Bali. It is worn on a long necklace by expectant mothers so that when they move, the baby in the womb is calmed by the quiet chime. She wears it on a shortened necklace after the baby is born so that the child may play with it while breastfeeding.

It had assumed that the sound would be even more calming because he or she had linked it with being in the womb. This is one of the best Valentine’s gift ideas for a pregnant wife that she will love.

Harmony Ball Necklace

19. Supportive Comfy Shoes

Her feet will probably increase, so it’s a kind gesture to gift her some supportive shoes that can expand along with that growing tummy. This one requires careful consideration. If she’s really unhappy, anything she can wear out will undoubtedly make her more comfortable, even if it’s only a pair of slippers.

With the first child, the mother had the ugliest shoes that she wore every day. But she did, and this wasn’t unusual. A terrific present for pregnant ladies on Valentine’s Day is a pair of shoes she’ll love!

Supportive Comfy Shoes

20. A Foot Bath

Okay, perhaps she wouldn’t be the best candidate for enormous shoes. Give your pregnant wife a foot spa as a present. It will feel fantastic on tired feet. Keep in mind that they are impacted by the hormones, that they are bearing additional weight, and that they are frequently swollen in the latter several months.

While expecting, every lady wants her feet touched a lot. By soaking them, you may save her the occasional foot rub. It’s a thoughtful Valentine’s present for an expectant wife and a terrific concept.

A Foot Bath

21. Microwaveable Heat Pack

Simply having them around the house is fantastic. If a pregnant woman is experiencing cramps at the end, I also advise her to take them. They are preferable to heating pads since she may use them while sleeping and they will still chill her body (rather than stay on).

The baby can also benefit from this so that she can warm up and mend (awesome for after-baby cramps too). One of the finest Valentine’s Day presents for a pregnant wife if she’s hurting is this!

Microwaveable Heat Pack

22. Cleaning Service

Your queen is too busy to tidy. She spends too much time expanding her little toes and fingertips (and trying to figure out where she put the tv remote this time). Moreover, the bending, squatting, and scouring required for cleaning might be difficult on her already-painful joints.

Instead, hire a cleaning service and treat your wife like royalty. Even better, arrange for the service to appear when she’ll be away from home. As a result, she will come home to spotless carpets, sparkling windows, and clean bed linens.

Cleaning Service

23. Robe For Pregnant Wife

Comfort is frequently one of the most crucial factors for pregnant women to get through each stage of their pregnancy. Consider giving your spouse a thoughtful gift like a lovely pregnancy robe if you would like to make them feel comfortable. This cosy wardrobe staple will keep her warm when she’s relaxing and spending a lot of time around the house.

Robe For Pregnant Wife

24. Valentine’s Card

Just several gifts are as meaningful as handcrafted ones. Make your spouse a modest Valentine’s Day card instead of blowing a lot of money on a gift. Give a Valentine’s Day gift for a pregnant wife that’s as rare and one-of-a-kind as the connection you two share to win her heart. Just craft the ideal message, that’s all.

Valentine’s Card

25. Ultrasound Photo Frame

Pregnant ladies like presents that evoke the emotions they felt upon discovering they were carrying a child. Giving her a smart gift, such as a picture frame that displays the pictures of her ultrasound, is one of the finest ways to help her remember this precious time. When presented at home, this Valentine’s Day gift for a pregnant wife will look stunning.

Ultrasound Photo Frame

26. Gift Basket of Snacks

During the numerous months of pregnancy, women may experience a variety of desires. Give her a perfect gift of snacks if you want to offer her Valentine’s present that she will love. This basket will gratify her hunger and provide her with some yummy goodies to get through every one of her approaching trimesters due to its wide variety of delectable selections.

Gift Basket of Snacks

What Is The Meaning Of Gifts For Pregnant Wife On Special Occasions?

During pregnancy, the hormones progesterone and estrogen in the mother’s body increase. Therefore, in addition to fatigue due to pregnancy, the mother’s mood is also erratic, and more prone to tears or irritability. Therefore, a mother always needs attention, sharing and encouragement from those close to her.

Therefore, it is very advisable to send sincere love through gifts to pregnant mothers on special occasions. Because gifts, whether material or spiritual, also help to make the mother’s mood better, and her face more radiant, when the mother is happy and healthy, the baby will also be healthy.

Note When Choosing Gifts For Pregnant Wives:
Pregnant women are extremely sensitive during pregnancy, so you should keep the following in mind when choosing gifts for pregnant women:

  • Gifts should come from sincerity: The most important thing for a pregnant mother is care and sharing, not necessarily luxury gifts. Therefore, if the gift is good for the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus, the mother will be very satisfied.
  • Gifts should be practical and useful: This is understandable because pregnant mothers are happy with the care, but it would be more fun if they shared some of the costs incurred during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Gifts should not be taboo for pregnant women: Gifts that are not suitable for pregnant women such as wine, beer, high heels, etc. For food, you should not choose taboo foods for pregnant women such as fast food, vegetable shrinkage…


During pregnancy, pregnant women need sharing, care and genuine care from friends and relatives. But not everyone knows what to buy as a gift for a pregnant mother on special occasions such as women’s day, birthday, or upcoming birth.

Because of that, OhTeeshirt has introduced you to the most practical Valentine’s Day ideas for pregnant wife that will definitely help you in the selection process.

You Want More Gift Ideas? Check Out Our List Below: