11+ DIY Teacher Valentine Gift Ideas For Student In 2023


Handmade gifts are not too strange for young people, just a little ingenuity and meticulousness can complete a handmade gift for everyone. If you are wondering what to give, please refer to the 11+ DIY teacher Valentine gift ideas below. This is the best way of saving money.

Note Their Hobbies And Tastes 

Their hobbies are great inspirations for your unique handmade gift ideas. Looking at the wardrobes, pictures related to them, and personal information… somewhat ensures that these handmade items are the most meaningful gifts for students.

Choose A Gift By Gender

Boys are often very active and strong, so toys such as puzzles, assembling superheroes, toy cars, aeroplanes, etc. will be very appropriate. These toys are both fun and help to improve a baby’s thinking and cognitive abilities.

Different from boys, girls are usually more gentle and feminine. Therefore, parents should buy gifts such as teddy bears, doll toys, cooking tools, makeup, etc. to help children unleash their creativity and contribute to shaping their personalities.

Best Homemade Teacher Valentine Gifts

Simple Scrapbook With Pictures

1. Simple Scrapbook With Pictures

Similar to the message comic, the scrapbook that records the memories that the whole class has experienced together will also be a meaningful gift for students on Valentine’s Day.

However, to make an impressive scrapbook, you remember to prepare small photos, and handmade items with the whole class to make the gift more meaningful.

Cute Simple Bracelets

2. Cute Simple Bracelets

What should Valentine’s gift be for students? This is surely a bracelet, they will follow your child everywhere. Materials to make handmade bracelets are also very simple with a few ropes, cloth or a few beads.

You can easily purchase it at any craft supply store. With video tutorials on Facebook or youtube, you can make beautiful and meaningful bracelets. Of course, you can make them your own as well.

Handcrafted Handmade Cards

3. Handcrafted Handmade Cards

Greeting cards are an indispensable item in any celebration. However, cards purchased from souvenir shops are too simple and easy. While you can hand out folded cards to students, they mean more than that.

The ingredients are simple, easy to find, and the price is cheap, so this is also a simple handmade item in the set of DIY teacher Valentine gift ideas which everyone should try.

Handmade Flowers Bouquet

4. Handmade Flowers Bouquet

If you want to have a beautiful flower bouquet in the classroom, on the children’s desk, you can choose handmade flower bouquets. 

You can make simple handmade flower bouquets yourself from paper, cardboard or fabric. Each flower will convey a story, and your message to loved ones.

Self-drawn Picture

5. Self-drawn Picture

For preschool children, parents can participate in drawing a cute picture to hang in their classroom. The picture completed by the doodles from the small hands of the children will appear extremely lovely and funny.

This gift will surely bring back many emotions and beautiful memories for your teacher on this special day.

Homemade Scented Candles

6. Homemade Scented Candles

Scented candles will be a very meaningful Valentine’s gift that students can make with their own teachers to give teachers on this day. The gift containing love made by the children’s own hands will definitely make the teacher extremely touched.

Handmade Wall Wreaths

7. Handmade Wall Wreaths

Handmade wall wreaths will also be a special suggestion to give to students on Valentine’s Day. To complete the beautiful wall wreath, please prepare coloured paper and follow the instructions on youtube with your child. This will definitely be a great experience for the kids.

Decorating Shoes With Crayons

8. Decorating Shoes With Crayons

If you feel your shoes are too monotonous or want to make a difference from your usual style, do not hesitate to refresh them. Let’s join hands to make the students have a meaningful Valentine’s Day. 

Ingredients to prepare this handmade item are quite easy to find and simple, just crayons, paper and scissors. Surely you will have a beautiful, unique, strange and not afraid of collision.

What About A Stuffed Animal 

9. What About A Stuffed Animal 

One of the easiest handmade items to make is making stuffed animals out of gloves. The way to make this beautiful handmade item is quite simple and the materials for you to make this handmade item are also quite easy to find including gloves, white cotton and needles.

A handmade keychain made of felt or wool is really different, isn’t it? If you’re wondering or something, this teddy bear is definitely one of the DIY teacher Valentine gift ideas that you should try.

Picture Frames From Buttons

10. Picture Frames From Buttons

Instead of using paint, you can make colourful buttons to make handmade gifts for your students. Creating a photo or photo frame with buttons is not too difficult, you do not need to be too skilful but need a little creativity to create unique and different photos. And you absolutely can sell these beautiful handmade items.

11. Pen Tubes From Old Boxes

Make your own lovely handmade items from boxes that are no longer available and unfamiliar to everyone. You can make handmade desk decorations by using this item. 

Metal cans or cardboard snack tubes can be turned into brightly coloured pens by simply rolling coloured paper around the can, and then decorating it with eye-catching patterns. You can absolutely start a handmade business from small and beautiful items like this.

Homemade Cookies Or Treats

12. Homemade Cookies Or Treats

Homemade cookies or candies can be a great Valentine gift idea for teachers. To create this gift, you can bake your teacher’s favourite cookie or make some other treats they like, such as macaroons, cupcakes, or fondant. Here are some extra tips to help you make this gift extra special:

  • Creative Gift Wrapping: You can use small boxes, glass jars or decorative tins to wrap gifts. You can also add a ribbon or a small card for a more festive look.
  • Write a personalized note: Include a handwritten note expressing your gratitude and appreciation for your teacher. You can also include a quote or a message that is meaningful to you and your teacher.
  • Add a small gift: You can include a small gift with the gift, such as a mug or a personalized gift card, to a local coffee shop. This can make the gift feel more complete and thoughtful.

Remember, the most important part of any gift is the thought and effort behind it. Your teachers will appreciate any gift that comes from the heart and show your appreciation for all the hard work they’ve done.

13. Relaxation Kit

A relaxation kit is a small gift that includes items to help teachers relax and reduce stress such as tea bags, scented candles or mini lotion bottles. This gift is meant to show your appreciation for all the hard work and effort your teacher has put in to help you learn and grow.

When creating a relaxation set, it’s important to personalize it based on your teacher’s preferences. You can include items that you know your teacher likes, such as tea or a favorite scent. You can also include a handwritten note or a card expressing your gratitude for their dedication and hard work. Overall, a relaxation kit can be a thoughtful and appreciated gift for any teacher who deserves a moment of relaxation and self-care.


Hopefully, with the 11+ DIY teacher Valentine gift ideas above, you can both learn how to make handmade items and create more useful items to give to students this Valentine’s Day. Ohteeshirt wishes you a meaningful Valentine’s Day with family and friends.

Dive into our blog for inspiring gift ideas that will make your loved ones feel special: