18+ Of The 1 Year Anniversary Gift Ideas For Girlfriend

1 year anniversary gift ideas for girlfriend

Celebrate your one year with your girlfriend! If you’re looking for 1 year anniversary gift ideas for girlfriend to make this special occasion even more memorable, here are 18+ thoughtful and creative gift ideas that your girlfriend is sure to love.

Whether you want to go traditional with jewellery or add a personal touch with a custom gift, we have options to suit every pocket and taste. So get started and find the perfect gift for your special someone!

Perfect One Year Anniversary Gift Ideas For Girlfriend

1. Personalized Necklace Jewelry

It seems as though you have transitioned from the flirty stage of the relationship to the more serious stage when you celebrate your first anniversary with someone. It’s crucial to give your loved one a gift, but you have no idea what to purchase them. This custom necklace jewelry is a great choice.

A Piece Of Jewelry

2. Personalized Photo Frames

A personalized photo frame with a meaningful message, the date of your anniversary, your name, and a photo of your choice is another idea for a one-year anniversary gift for a girlfriend.

Personalized Photo Frames

3. A Love Letter

Sending a love letter on your 1 year anniversary gift ideas for girlfriend expressing your love and feelings can be a very romantic gesture. In the world of instant messaging and social media, taking the time to sit down and write a letter can show your girlfriend how much you care. 

A love letter can express your feelings privately and intimately, and it can also be a beautiful keepsake for your girlfriend to cherish. In the letter, you can reflect together on your first year and express your hopes and dreams for the future. 

You can also include special memories, inner jokes, or anything unique to your relationship. A love letter is a gift that is timeless and can be read over and over again for years to come.

A Love Letter

4. Handwriting Bracelet

Choose a handwriting bracelet when looking for more heartfelt, unique, and significant one-year anniversary presents for your girlfriend. For them to make it into a bracelet for your lady, send in your personalisation, which can be written by you or another person.

Handwriting Bracelet

5. A Romantic Vacation

Planning an unexpected weekend getaway to a place she’s always wanted to go can be a fun and memorable gift idea. The two of you can relax on the beach or explore a new city or plan special activities or surprises, like candlelight dinners or couples massages, to make the trip more memorable. 

A romantic getaway is a gift that shows your girlfriend how much you value your time together and can be a way to strengthen your relationship.

A Romantic Vacation

6. Leaf Bag Backpack

This bag would be perfect for your girlfriend if she needs a new backpack or messenger bag. You can pick from a few various colors that are offered. The bag is spacious and features numerous zippered pockets and storage compartments.

Leaf Bag Backpack

7. Burlap Print Gifts

A thoughtful and well-tailored gift, this burlap print of the first anniversary is framed. Your name and the day of your anniversary can be added to the elegantly designed print. The frame lends a touch of sophistication while the burlap gives it a rustic flavor. A wonderful addition to your home’s decor and the ideal way to remember your first year of relationship.

Burlap Print Gifts

8. Special Hanging Wall Clock

It has been 365 days since you and your partner were declared to be a couple. What are your plans for the first anniversary? See how to add additional significance to an anniversary by viewing this wall clock. The wall clock stands out thanks to its elegant style and color. The name, anniversary, and a heartfelt message are printed in the coin’s center. They will think about their wonderful love journey each time they gaze at this gift.

Special Hanging Wall Clock

9. Custom Wine Glass

Gifting your girlfriend a customized glass of wine is one of your 1 year anniversary gift ideas for girlfriend be a unique and thoughtful gift idea. Custom wine glasses can be engraved with a special message or your girlfriend’s name, making them a personal and emotional gift. 

They can also be a practical gift since they can be used for special occasions or for everyday use. A custom wine glass can also be a way to celebrate your year in a unique and meaningful way. They can be used to toast your relationship and make new memories together. 

Alternatively, if your girlfriend is a wine lover, a custom glass of wine can be a way to show that you care about her interests and that you want to give her a gift.

Custom Wine Glass

10. Personalized Phone Case

Show your love and appreciation for her and give her a gift she can use daily. The personalized phone case can be customized with your girlfriend’s name, initials, or special message, making it a unique and thoughtful gift. 

It can also be designed with a picture of the two of you, or with a special image or symbol that is meaningful to your relationship. Also, a personalized phone case can be a way to protect your girlfriend’s phone and keep it safe from scratches or damage.

Personalized Phone Case

11. Custom 3D Led Lamp

This personalised photo light with a personal touch transforms her nightlight into a unique remembrance, making it the perfect present for a copper anniversary.

It is made of acrylic and has a white background with a crisp 3D image. After a long day, she will benefit from having this excellent night light to get a restful night’s sleep. Choose a design from a variety and a photo that will best capture her personality.

Custom 3D Led Lamp

12. 1st Anniversary Custom Photo

Although all anniversaries are important milestones, few are more confusing than the first anniversary of a partnership. What should you get your sweetie as a surprise? Give a loved one this personalized first anniversary photo.

1st Anniversary Custom Photo

13. A Pet

If your girlfriend wants a pet, consider adopting a furry friend. Pets can bring joy, companionship, and love into your girlfriend’s life. However, before deciding to give a pet, it is necessary to consider your girlfriend’s lifestyle, interests, and needs as well as your ability to take care of your pet. 

Choosing a pet that matches your girlfriend’s lifestyle and personality, such as a dog or cat, is also important. By gifting a pet, you can create a lasting and meaningful memory, as well as a sense of responsibility and teamwork, which can strengthen your relationship.

A Pet

14. Romantic Dinner

Planning a candlelit dinner at home or at a posh restaurant on your  1 year anniversary can be a classic and timeless gift idea. A romantic dinner can be planned at a favorite restaurant or cooked at home, with a menu that’s special and meaningful for your relationship. 

It can be a way to create an intimate and romantic setting and spend quality time together. Alternatively, a romantic dinner could be a way for your girlfriend to see that you value your relationship and want to celebrate the year in a special way. 

Romantic Dinner

15. A Custom Perfume

By gifting a custom perfume, you can show your girlfriend that you know and appreciate her tastes and preferences, and have put some effort and thought into the gift. 

Custom fragrances can be made to suit her unique scent preferences and personality, and can make her feel special every time she wears them. It can also be a great way to create a unique and memorable scent just for her, which can strengthen the bond between the two of you. 

Alternatively, custom perfumes can be a great way to introduce new scents and scents into her life and can be a way to create new experiences together.

A Custom Perfume

16. A Designer Bag

Surprise her with a designer bag she’s been eyeing for a long time on her one-year anniversary can be a chic and thoughtful gift that she’s sure to appreciate. By gifting your girlfriend a designer bag, you can show her that you care about her style and appreciate her fashion sense. 

It could be a way to pamper her with a high-quality, finely crafted, and beautifully crafted piece that she might not have splurged on for herself. Designer bags are also classic and timeless pieces that can last for years, making them a great investment for any wardrobe. 

A Designer Bag

17. Personalized Scrapbook

Here’s a fun thing to do with your special someone. Couples who enjoy traveling together would especially enjoy this scrapbook. The idea behind this original one-year anniversary gift is for you to document your wackiest adventures. Very likely, you already have enough content to begin filling up the pages!

Personalized Scrapbook

18. Subscription Box

Subscribe to her for a monthly subscription box filled with her favorites. Subscription boxes cover a variety of topics ranging from beauty and skincare to cooking and crafting, …. 

Subscription Box

19. Box of Date Ideas

A year’s worth of date suggestions is the ideal present for couples who struggle to make decisions. Simply pull a card to choose your next excursion; the box is filled with plenty of inspiration. Anything from a laid-back Sunday breakfast to an unexpected day trip could be involved. The main benefit of this present is that it makes it simpler to spend quality time together.

Box of Date Ideas

How To Choose The Perfect Gift For Your Girlfriend On Their 1st Anniversary? 

Choosing the perfect gift for your girlfriend on her one-year anniversary ideas for girlfriend can be challenging, but with a little thought and effort, you can find a meaningful and special gift. Here are a few tips to help you pick the perfect gift:

  • Consider her interests: Think about what your girlfriend likes to do in her free time. Does she have a hobby or favourite activity? Give her a gift that is related to her hobby.
  • Personalize Gifts: Adding a personal touch to your gift can make it even more meaningful. Consider getting a customized gift that has her name or a special message on it.
  • Creativity: Consider getting a unique and creative gift. For example, you might plan a surprise weekend getaway, host a romantic scavenger hunt, or host a candlelit dinner at home.
  • Think about her needs: Consider buying a present your girlfriend needs. For example, if she’s talking about needing a new laptop, you might surprise her with one.
  • Plan ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute to start thinking about gifts. Take the time to plan and shop around to find the perfect present.
  • Set budget: Decide on a budget for the gift and stick to it. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to find a gift that is satisfactory and meaningful.

Remember, it is most important to choose a gift that shows your girlfriend how much you love and appreciate her. 


Choosing 1 year anniversary gift ideas for girlfriend can be a great way to celebrate your love and show her how much she means to you. With a little thought and creativity, you can find a gift that reflects her personality and interests and creates an unforgettable memory in the first year you two are together.

So take some time to think about what your girlfriend would love and choose a gift suggested by Ohteeshirt that will make her feel special and loved on this important occasion.

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